An Invitation to Two Events in Buffalo, NY
Sponsored by The Voyagers
For Leaders and Coaches: Clergy, Educators, Business and Helping Professionals
The Voyagers are a group of faith community leaders exploring Bowen family systems theory and its application to congregations by Rabbi Edwin Friedman. Leaders in many areas—from ministry to education, business, and the helping professions—use the lens of Bowen family systems theory to better understand themselves as well as the people with whom they work.
Wednesday, November 14, 2018 – Introduction to Family Systems Thinking
A one-day seminar led by the Voyagers with a focus on Bowen theory and its application to working with families, congregations, and other institutions. The importance of family of origin work for maturity, functioning, and leadership will be emphasized.
Location: Westin Hotel Buffalo Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM Cost: $60/Students-$35
Thursday, November 15, 2018 – Conference with Dr. Michael Kerr
Theme – Bowen Theory’s Secrets: The Hidden Life of Families
Dr. Michael Kerr, director of the Bowen Theory Academy and former director of the Bowen Center in Washington, DC, will present a one-day conference focusing on the insights of his new book entitled, “Bowen Theory’s Secrets: The Hidden Life of Families.” Dr. Kerr will describe family functioning from the perspective of Bowen theory and distinguish it from traditional psychological approaches that focus on problems within the individual person.
Location: Christ the King Seminary, East Aurora, NY
Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Cost: $95/Students-$65 (Both days: $125/Students-$80 with ID)
Lunch inluded in the cost for both days
To register, visit For more information, contact Bob Spilman ( or Carol Jeunnette (
Register Early! Fees increase by $10 after October 31.
Voyagers website: