Upstate New York Synod, ELCA
Synod Assembly 2018
This year’s focus on Outreach and Evangelism gives us all an opportunity to let our lights shine for the Glory of God, our Father.
This year’s Synod Assembly is gearing up to help us all to do just that. Along with tending to the Synod business for the year and participating in enlightening and thought-provoking workshops, participants at this year’s assembly will have opportunities to connect with each other in new ways to engage in work to share your own story in spreading God’s glory to the world. We will welcome Ruben Duran, ELCA Director, New Congregations, as our 2018 Churchwide Representative. We are excited to have you with us this year!! Links for Synod Assembly and Hyatt reservations can be found under "Resources"
Rochester Riverside Convention Center in Rochester, NY.
The newly renovated Hyatt Regency Hotel