Activated by Love, The Upstate New York Synod seeks to support Vibrant Congregations and Healthy Leaders through expanding Communication, encouraging Collaboration, and fostering Innovation.
Activated by Love, The Upstate New York Synod seeks to support Vibrant Congregations and Healthy Leaders through expanding Communication, encouraging Collaboration, and fostering Innovation.
The Upstate New York Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is led by Bishop Lee M. Miller, II and is a Companion Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe, a partner synod with the Central/Southern Illinois Synod, and a Reconciling in Christ Synod. It is composed of 170 congregations in Upstate New York.
Our Synod is one geographical district of the ELCA. The English word synod comes from two Greek words syn + hodos that mean “common road.” A synod is the people of the congregations and other ministries traveling the way of faith together. There are 65 synods in the ELCA that are grouped into nine regions.
Synod Staff and Council
Conferences and Deans
Committees, Teams and Tables
Throughout the call process for the election of a synodical bishop I have heard two questions.
1) What unites us as God’s people in Upstate New York? Would it matter if we were to be separated and related to other synods?
2) What is the purpose of the Synod in the church today? What does it mean to be Church together?
The short answer is the best: Jesus!
The question is, as Resurrection people, how than shall we live? As recipients of grace-unfailing, what then shall we do?
I have been reflecting on Paul’s statement in Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith.” This definition of the Gospel is helpful for me. The Gospel is the power of God for salvation, which is freedom, liberation, for all. Therefore God forms the church to live out our salvation proclaiming this gospel, this liberation, in word and deed.
Beloved, I dream a church where love activates us to Do Justice and Share Joy!
Micah 6:8 reminds us of God’s call, a covenant we affirm in baptism to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.” In Luke’s birth narrative messengers announce the incarnation of Love with “good news of great joy!” (Lk. 2:10)
To lead us in ministry focused in justice and joy I offer Five Practices for 21st Century Discipleship. I call it the G.R.A.C.E. Mindset inspired by the pedagogical model of the “Growth Mindset.”
The G.R.A.C.E. Mindset
Generous Love
Restorative Justice
Adaptive Leadership
Collaboration & Connections
As Church Together (synod) I hope to help foster these discipleship practices in the work we share together and through the resource and training opportunities the executive staff share and provide. As a Synod Executive Staff we are committed to building and supporting:
Intentional Collaboration
Invitational Communication
Inspirational Innovation