Gender Justice task force of the upstate New York Synod

Mission Statement:

The Gender Justice Task Force is comprised of lay and rostered leaders of the UNYS. The task force seeks to promote equity for people of all genders and sexual identities.

The task force will engage in education, advocacy, and neighbor justice in the church and in the world.


a response to the vatican statement, Dignitas infinita (infinite dignity)


Neither church teachings, nor Bible scholars, public debate nor legislation, nostalgia nor fear of change, can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, either. No social statements, pontifical letters, committee decisions, or argumentative board meetings, can strip you of your inherent worth and dignity in the eyes of the God who knit you together, breathed the breath of life into you, lived, and bled, and died, and rose for you.

There are many good and beautiful and important things written by our Catholic cousins in the recently published Vatican statement, “Dignitas infinita” (Infinite Dignity). From the outset, it seems hopeful, reminding us of the call “to show how human dignity transcends all outward appearances and specific aspects of people’s lives… to defend human dignity in every cultural context and every moment of human existence, regardless of physical, psychological, social, or even moral deficiencies… strives to show that this is a universal truth that we are all called to recognize as a fundamental condition for our societies to be truly just, peaceful, healthy, and authentically human.”

But when this statement lists what it calls ‘gender theory’ alongside such atrocities as war, poverty, and violence against women, we know it has more than missed the mark.

2022 Statement for pride month

The members of the “Gender Justice Taskforce” of Upstate New York Synod, ELCA, offer the following for your prayerful reflection.

Pride: satisfaction in accomplishments, or consciousness of dignity

June is being celebrated as Pride Month, by the LGBTQIA+ community.  We would like to invite all to reflect prayerfully on what this means, in our modern culture, for persons whose gender identities reveal or call into question (and perhaps teach us) the problematic nature of what is often called “usual,” “customary,” “normal,” or “typical,” or the assumptions that are made casually by others.

As Christians who claim the Lutheran confessional heritage, we have reason to be proud of the progress we have made thus far (with more needed) to radically welcome, into our congregations, persons with LGBTQIA+ (“atypical”) gender self-identification, and to critically examine our participation (and ongoing complicity) in practices that deny, or fail to recognize and celebrate, our beautiful God-given human dignity.  

Because God has created us in God’s image with astonishing (wonderful) variety, no list of diversities among us will ever be complete. But God’s reign is expansive and loving, set to bring all persons together in relationship with one another.  

We invite all who are inspired by Christ to stand against homophobia, transphobia and other discriminatory practices as we work together in anticipation of God’s reign breaking into this world. 

God be with us as we journey together!

List of Resources for UNYS Gender Justice Page on Synod Website

Statement in response after the Overturning of Roe v. Wade


Links to ELCA Social Statements & Social Messages:

 Faith, Sexism, and Justice: A Call to Action


Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust


Gender-Based Violence:


LGBTQIA+ Conversation Starters 

Lists of LGBTQ+ Terminology

University of Florida LGBTQ+ Affairs

From GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation):

Helpful Websites for Gender-Related Issues

New York’s Equality Profile includes NYS LGBTQ Laws & Policies


Reclaiming My Theology podcast:


The Everyday Sexism Project:


Queer Theology:


Movies, Videos, & Documentaries

 Pray Away, available on Netflix, documents LGBTQ people’s experiences with conversion therapy, specifically with Exodus International. Trigger warning: Conversations include experiences with self-harm.


North Carolina Synod Video about Things said to Female Pastors:


United Methodist North Carolina Conference Video about Things said to Female Pastors:



Books & Articles

"The Escalating Costs of Being Single in America"

"Meeting God Beyond the Gender Binary: How the Bible Affirms Transgender and Nonbinary People," by Joy Ladin

Outside the Lines: How Embracing Queerness Will Transform Your Faith, by Mihee Kim-Kort


Changing Our Mind, by David P. Gushee


The Making of Biblical Womanhood: How the Subjugation of Women Became Gospel Truth, by Beth Allison Barr


 “The Male Privilege Checklist” by Peggy MacIntosh


Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church's Debate on Same-Sex Relationships, by James V. Brownson.