As we await the coming of our Lord, Bishop John Macholz of Upstate New York and Bishop Donald McCoid of the Metro New York synods invite you to be a part of a Lutheran revival. The ELCA Revival Team, including UNYS’ own Rev, Becca Ehrlich, will lead participants in workshops around spiritual discernment, prayer and change in the morning. After lunch, will be provided, the afternoon we will worship together including an Invitation to Discipleship. Before leaving at 3 pm, DEMs Rev. Norma Malfatti and Rev. Lamont Anthony Wells will help participants identify next steps.
Workshop Descriptions:
Prayer and Discernment - How do we really use prayer to understand God's will and make decisions for the future? How can we use prayer in our churches, lives and experiences? How will it influence or empower leadership?
How to Approach Change - Change is inevitable. Every person faces change in varying degrees throughout the entirety of their lives. We live in a much different world today than when Paul was spreading the love of Jesus, and the church is different too. Whether talking about work, homes or the church change often causes stress, frustration and moments of doubt. Fortunately, there are ways of approaching change to cope with all the hiccups along the way. This workshop will offer strategies to deal effectively with change so that the ministry can operate in a healthy environment.
Spiritual Gifts - Have you ever wondered what God has gifted you with? Ever wondered if you could really teach that Sunday School class or been told you have a gift for hospitality? This workshop will help participants begin to understand what gifts God has given them and how they can use it in their lives.
Faith Practices - The Faith Practices Initiative offers practical ways that we can deepen our relationship with Jesus, grow in our discipleship, using our grounding as children of God through our baptism as the foundation of our daily lives. In this workshop there will be a presentation of the five faith practices we promise to follow in baptism and reflect on how participants can enhance their spiritual lives and commitment to their call as followers of Jesus Christ.
ALL are encouraged to come be a part of the day. Call or e-mail your synod office to RSVP:
Upstate NY - 315.299.4955 /
Metro NY - 212.870.2384 /
Tentative Agenda
9:30 AM Registration opens
10:00—12:00 Workshops
12:15—Lunch provided by UNYS and MNYS
1:00 PM—Revival Worship
2:45 PM—Farewell