to Oct 18

Fall Ministerium 2022

  • Upstate New York Synod (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The “G” of the G.R.A.C.E mindset is Generous Love. How do we live into a practice, a mindset, of Generous Love? During our time of worship, prayer, and community-building, we will spend time listening to and interacting with Rozella White, the #LoveBigCoach,

Registration Information: 

The registration cost plus room and board for Monday night is $150. This includes Monday dinner, and breakfast and lunch on Tuesday. You are welcome to come a day early or stay an extra night to enjoy the solitude of the retreat center and the beauty of the setting for $105/night including meals.

The cost for commuters is $45; you may sign up for meals at the retreat center on a per meal basis. Please see the registration form for details.

You can register here: https://tithe.ly/event-registration/#/5785380

Download the brochure with more information

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Upstate NY Synod Assembly 2022
to Jun 6

Upstate NY Synod Assembly 2022

SA2022: Cultivating a GRACE Mindset: Generous Love

IN PERSON at the Joseph A. Floreano Rochester Riverside Convention Center

in Rochester, New York



Hotel Reservations are made separately. A block of rooms is reserved at the Hyatt Regency, 125 E. Main Street, Rochester, NY. Hotel details will be sent out to registrants in a separate confirmation email. Thank you.

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Grace-a-thon: Grace All Day!
9:00 AM09:00

Grace-a-thon: Grace All Day!

6 hours of Grace centered programming from members of the Upstate New York Synod

Music, Interviews, Learning, Moving, listening, talking, Growing

Hop In and Hop Out

Learn, Pray, Share, Explore, Gather, Play

CLICK HERE to Register

The first 50 people to register will get a special gift as a thank you for participating in this first ever Grace-A-Thon


9-9:15 (prayer, sharing, plan for the day)

9:15-10:15 Workshops and Playshops

10:15-10:30- Spots of Grace

10:30 -11:30 Workshops and Playshops

11:30-12 Rooms of Grace Interest Groups for Sharing Resources

12 Lunch break

12:30 - 1:15 Worship and Exploration of G.R.A.C.E with Bishop Miller

1:15 - 2:15 Workshops and Playshops

2:15-2:30 Gathering of Graces

CLICK HERE to Register

DON’T FORGET: The first 50 people to register will get a special gift as a thank you for participating in this first ever Grace-A-Thon

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Upstate New York Synod Ministerium for Rostered Leaders
to Oct 5

Upstate New York Synod Ministerium for Rostered Leaders

How Then Shall We Live?

Upstate NY Synod Ministerium for Rostered Leaders

October 4-5, 2021

Please note: The planning team has made the faithful and loving decision to move this year’s rostered leader ministerium from a three day in person event to a one and a half day online event as a reflection of ongoing pandemic health realities. Please see the new information below. Thanks so the generous donation of our Mission Partners, Portico and Mission Investment Fund, there is no cost to attend in this new online format.

Sign Up Here by September 30 to Get the Zoom Link for the Event: https://forms.gle/PkXakbvrQqvSeLSw9

 What can you expect during our time together? More about the event:

  • Worship

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Installation Service for Bishop-elect Lee M. Miller, II, Upstate New York Synod
2:00 PM14:00

Installation Service for Bishop-elect Lee M. Miller, II, Upstate New York Synod

Service of Holy Communion

with the

Installation of

The Rev. Lee M. Miller II

as Bishop of the Upstate New York Synod

LIVE Stream Link: facebook.com/BethanyBaptistChurchsyracuseny/

Bethany Baptist Church

149 Beattie St, Syracuse, NY 13224

Saturday September 18, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.

Doors Open: 1:00 p.m., Pre-Service Music Begins: 1:30 p.m.

Reception will be Outside Following the Service

Masks will need to be worn by all when inside the sanctuary.

Masks are strongly encouraged to be worn outside for those vaccinated and required for those who are unvaccinated when social distancing requirements cannot be faithfully met.

LIVE STREAM LINK: facebook.com/BethanyBaptistChurchsyracuseny/

Worship Bulletin: Holy Communion with the Installation of the Bishop of the Upstate New York Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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Service of the Word for Congregational Use on Easter 2 (April 11, 2021)
5:00 AM05:00

Service of the Word for Congregational Use on Easter 2 (April 11, 2021)

Greetings of peace to you in this season of Lent.

Please consider using this service as your worship on April 11, the second Sunday in the season of Easter, as a way to be in communion with others from across this synod. We also hope it might allow for the worship leaders in your congregation to have a time of sabbath on that Sunday.

This post includes the link for the worship service and service bulletin. The service includes the Thanksgiving for Baptism, prayer, scripture, a children’s message, sermon and previously recorded hymns from congregations across the synod.

Upstate New York Synod leaders Julie Grindle, Pastor Lori Kochanski, Pastor Johanna Rehbaum and Lindsey Stannard brought their best gifts and skills to the task of creating an inspiring worship service for all. Damian Liszka was responsible for editing the video in preparation for use in congregations. Several congregations and individuals provided previously recorded music for the hymns, prelude and postlude. Members of the synod council and staff also provided leadership in this service.

Bulletin for the Service

Video Link

Download Link

Embed Code:

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/523802905" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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40 Days+40 Miles+40 Dollars: Walking to End Hunger
to Apr 4

40 Days+40 Miles+40 Dollars: Walking to End Hunger

  • Upstate New York Synod (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

#UNYSWalkingToEndHunger #40days40miles40dollars


Get out those walking shoes or boots or sneakers or snowshoes!

Through the season of Lent, join the virtual walk with Bishop Macholz and others throughout the synod while learning more about issues of hunger and what we can do to help.

How to participate:

  1. Make a commitment to walk at least 40 miles in the 40 days of Lent and donate $40 to ELCA World Hunger. You can walk in the great outdoors or just around your house as you develop this shared Lenten practice of walking and giving financially to the work of ending hunger.

  2. Share your progress on social media using these hashtags #UNYSWalkingToEndHunger #40days40miles40dollars #ELCAWorldHunger Be sure to watch for Bishop Macholz's messages as we walk through the season.

  3. When you reach 40 miles go HERE to register your accomplishment and make your donation. All monies collected will be given to ELCA World Hunger. You may also send a check to the UNYS Synod and make sure to make note that it is for ELCA World Hunger.

CLICK HERE to learn about more ways to participate in the

ELCA World Hunger 40 Days of Giving” Campaign

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Synod Christmas Service
to Jan 5

Synod Christmas Service

  • Upstate New York Synod (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Greetings of peace to you.

Please use this service individually or as a congregation as a way to be in communion with others from across this synod on Christmas Day or any day throughout the Christmas season.

Upstate New York Synod leaders Ms. Julie Grindle, Pastor Lori Kochanski, Pastor Rick Mollenkopf-Grill, Pastor Johanna Rehbaum, Ms. Lindsey Stannard, and Mr. Nick Stroczkowski brought their best gifts and skills to the task of creating an inspiring worship service for all. Congregations and individuals from across the synod shared their musical gifts, gifts of spoken voice and creativity through art. In addition, congregations submitted photos that serve to remind us of the Christmas season and the work of neighbor justice.

Christmas Joy be with you.

Video link

Bulletin for the service

Download link


Thank you to all who participated in and made contributions to the creation of this service!

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2020 SYNOD MINISTERIUM for Rostered Ministers and Seminarians
to Oct 6

2020 SYNOD MINISTERIUM for Rostered Ministers and Seminarians

Join us for Synod Ministerium 2020

featuring The Rev. Pete Reuss

Experienced in all the challenges of steward ministry, Pete will encourage, equip, and inform on all things financial vitality. Gain both confidence and tools to shape your work and develop a culture of faithful stewardship within your community.

October 4th at 7PM via Zoom (LINK HERE)

“Vineyard People: Prayer, Song and Reflections on Lament and Hope”  

(Digital synod wide worship)

Draft Schedule for each day, October 5th & 6th:

9 AM - Opening prayer and learning with the Racial Justice Task Force (60 minutes)

10:30 AM - Morning Plenary Session (90 minutes)

2:00 PM - Afternoon Plenary Session (90 minutes)

Plus Monday evening Happy Hour with break out groups and Games and

Closing Worship on Tuesday with Bishop Macholz

Cost: $100 - qualifies as continuing education

If you're worried about missing a session, all registrants will also have access to the recordings of the plenary sessions.

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CANCELED: Bishop's Annual Golf Tournament 2020
10:00 AM10:00

CANCELED: Bishop's Annual Golf Tournament 2020

In light of the increasing cases of Covid 19 across this country and the concerns that many have to being with others we have made the decision to cancel the tournament scheduled for August 22. As I write this there have been no registrations that have come to the office and we feel it makes sense to move on. 

Having said that, the Golf Tournament is the biggest fundraiser for the annual Bishop’s Appeal that this year focuses on Lay Leadership Development, helping to support and grow the work that we do with lay leaders. While we won’t be playing golf you still have the opportunity to tee off and make a contribution toward the fund and help others out in the process. READ MORE HERE.

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Synod Assembly 2020
to Jun 9

Synod Assembly 2020

At its meeting on May 23, the Synod Council voted unanimously that the 2020 Synod Assembly cannot be held. This is in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the health risks in conducting large public meetings and the Executive Orders issued by the Governor of New York. It also was agreed that the terms of the current Bishop and Secretary of the Synod will continue until their successors are elected at the next Synod Assembly.

These decisions were made after considerable research, conversation with the Churchwide Organization and most importantly, prayer.

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POSTPONED: Bishop's Convocation 2020: Front Porchin'
10:00 AM10:00

POSTPONED: Bishop's Convocation 2020: Front Porchin'

The Bishop’s Convocation has been postponed due to growing concerns over the Covid-19 virus in Upstate New York. A new date will hopefully be determined in the near future.

Front Porchin': Sharing Your Story, God's Story and Our Story

Evangelism is as simple as a story. It is your story and God’s story shared with another. God gives us natural front porches where we live, work and play. There God sits with us as we share our lives, our stories and the Christ within us with those who regularly gather there with us. Bring a team from your congregation to get some hands-on tools to bring back home!

Download the brochure today!

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An Easter Message From Bishop Macholz
12:30 PM12:30

An Easter Message From Bishop Macholz

In a Family Circle cartoon two children are shown sitting at talking about their Easter baskets they have searched for and found. The young boy asks his sister, “Who colored all of the Easter eggs?”  to which the sister replied, “The Easter Bunny.” 

“And the chocolate rabbit?”

”The Easter Bunny” she replied.

Apparently there was nothing beyond the reach of the good old Easter Bunny.  Shortly thereafter the family headed off to church and during the sermon the pastor said, “They came to the tomb and saw the stone rolled away. Who could have done this?”

At that moment, young Jeffrey stood up on the pew and said, “I know, the Easter Bunny!”

Do you see how rumors can get started?  I think rabbits, as long as they belong to someone else, are as cute as the dickens, but can you see where this might be headed?  I am truly not into conspiracy theories but might we look back in 20 or 30 years and wonder how the resurrection was co-opted by a bunny and consumerism?  It’s all about what sells.

For example, I went to BJ’s Wholesale Club and thought I would be smart and get a head start on Easter cards. I always forget them until the last minute so this would put me well ahead of the game.  I figured BJ’s would have tons of them, and tons they did. I estimated as I stood there looking over the selection that there were over 120 categories from which to choose, including Wife, Husband, Daughter, Son, Grandmother, Grandfather, Grandson, Granddaughter and more. There were humorous Easter cards, serious cards and even romantic Easter cards. Now, I’m as much a romantic as the next person but I never would have put Easter and Romantic in the same category.  Then I noticed something really, really strange.  There were six, count them, six, different cards for Easter that fell under the heading of, are you ready for this? RELIGIOUS!!!

I could be wrong, but I thought Easter was about “religious”. Here’s what the card that was the most religious, said:  “He speaks and the birds have voice. He smiles and the sun has warmth. He loves and the earth has life.”  When the card is opened it says: Wishing you the real gifts of the Easter season.

I don’t often do exegesis on Easter cards but this one fascinated me so that I bought it, as you can tell.  Who is he?  And, are these the real gifts of Easter? Birds that sing, a sun that offers warmth and an earth that has life?  I might grant you that the “he” is God or Jesus but you would be hard pressed to convince me that the real gifts of Easter are those mentioned in the card.  When the going gets tough, when illness sets in, when relationships are shattered, when death overshadows life, will these gifts offer you the strength and hope that you need?  I think not.

So, you’re saying to yourselves right now, if Easter isn’t about bunnies and singing birdies and warm sun, what is it about.

I’m glad you asked.

Easter is about the power of God in the midst of what seems like our powerlessness. It is about hope in the midst of despair. It’s about life in the midst of death. Easter is about seeing through our tears and discovering new life and joy.

Mary went back to the tomb that morning and while weeping and still unbelieving asked the supposed gardener where he had placed Jesus’ body.  Life was about to change for her, for in that instant, in the naming of her name, Mary came face to face with the risen Christ who had been raised by the power of God. In Christ’s recognition of her, Mary recognized her hope and her savior and life for her would never be the same again. She would become the first witness in John’s Gospel to the risen Christ, no small feat in a time and place where women took the back seat. 

What is Easter about? It is about the power of God to overcome the darkness of death.  It is about hope in the midst of hopelessness. It shouts of the fact that even though everything seems to be falling apart, despair seems to reign and the future is bleak God has the last word. Easter is about Jesus, first, last and always.

Jesus, who healed the sick. Jesus, who gave sight to the blind. Jesus, who drove out demons. Jesus, who fed the hungry. Jesus, who walked on water. Jesus, who raised the dead. This Jesus who did all of this and more is the one we meet in the garden in this early morning hour in John’s Gospel. He is the one who fulfilled the will of the Father, who submitted to death, even death on a cross, and who brings hope even into the midst of our darkest nights. 

Easter is about his resurrection and it is about ours as well. As the stone was rolled away from the tomb so death is rolled away from our lives as the final answer of life for God has power over life and over death.  That is our good news. No matter what the world throws at us, no matter who the powers and principalities are that we encounter, no matter where we find ourselves at this moment in time, the Risen Lord is present. In bread and wine. In word and song. In life and in death.

Listen carefully people of God, Christ is risen. Life is changed. Hope is renewed. You are set free.  That is power. That is life. That is Easter. Amen.

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10:00 AM10:00

Bishop's Convocation 2019

  • Atonement Lutheran Church, Syracuse, NY (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Bishop’s Convocation: March 16, 2019 

The 2019 Convocation will be held at Atonement, Syracuse on March 16, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Registration will open on February 1 at a cost of $12.00 which includes lunch.

The Convocation will be led by Rachel Alley, Program Director for Youth Ministry and Savanna Sullivan, Program Director for Young Adult Ministry.  These Churchwide leaders will be with us to support our focus on Youth and Young Adult Ministry. 

Rachel and Savanna will spend the day helping us discover what is taking place across the church, where trends are leading us, how the larger church might be helpful and offer their insights and wisdom. Please note that this is also one of the areas we are working on with Churchwide as part of our Partnered Synod Project journey. All are welcome to attend this event, especially youth and young adults.

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Healthy Congregations Seminar
12:00 PM12:00

Healthy Congregations Seminar

Healthy Congregations Workshop at St. Paul's, Liverpool: “Relationships in Healthy Congregations” is on Saturday, January 26, 2019, 9 am to 3 pm.  Pastor Greg Tennermann is the workshop leader.  The focus on relationships is described through the abilities to encourage grace and truth. There is discussion of the development of care and empowerment in healthy congregations.   Participants do not need to have attended prior workshops.  For pastors and laity both - Send a group for maximal benefit!

To Register: call: St. Paul’s at 315.457.3210, email at

stpaulslivoffice@gmail.com or mail to: St. Paul’s, 210 Hazel St., Liverpool, NY 13212.  The cost is $20 for materials, meal, and refreshments.   The registration deadline is January 14, 2019.



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