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Service of the Word for Congregational Use on Easter 2 (April 11, 2021)

  • Upstate New York Synod 5811 Heritage Landing Drive East Syracuse, NY, 13057 United States (map)

Greetings of peace to you in this season of Lent.

Please consider using this service as your worship on April 11, the second Sunday in the season of Easter, as a way to be in communion with others from across this synod. We also hope it might allow for the worship leaders in your congregation to have a time of sabbath on that Sunday.

This post includes the link for the worship service and service bulletin. The service includes the Thanksgiving for Baptism, prayer, scripture, a children’s message, sermon and previously recorded hymns from congregations across the synod.

Upstate New York Synod leaders Julie Grindle, Pastor Lori Kochanski, Pastor Johanna Rehbaum and Lindsey Stannard brought their best gifts and skills to the task of creating an inspiring worship service for all. Damian Liszka was responsible for editing the video in preparation for use in congregations. Several congregations and individuals provided previously recorded music for the hymns, prelude and postlude. Members of the synod council and staff also provided leadership in this service.

Bulletin for the Service

Video Link

Download Link

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