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2020 SYNOD MINISTERIUM for Rostered Ministers and Seminarians

Join us for Synod Ministerium 2020

featuring The Rev. Pete Reuss

Experienced in all the challenges of steward ministry, Pete will encourage, equip, and inform on all things financial vitality. Gain both confidence and tools to shape your work and develop a culture of faithful stewardship within your community.

October 4th at 7PM via Zoom (LINK HERE)

“Vineyard People: Prayer, Song and Reflections on Lament and Hope”  

(Digital synod wide worship)

Draft Schedule for each day, October 5th & 6th:

9 AM - Opening prayer and learning with the Racial Justice Task Force (60 minutes)

10:30 AM - Morning Plenary Session (90 minutes)

2:00 PM - Afternoon Plenary Session (90 minutes)

Plus Monday evening Happy Hour with break out groups and Games and

Closing Worship on Tuesday with Bishop Macholz

Cost: $100 - qualifies as continuing education

If you're worried about missing a session, all registrants will also have access to the recordings of the plenary sessions.

Later Event: October 14
UNYS Zoom Book Group Discussion