Greetings of peace to you.
Please use this service individually or as a congregation as a way to be in communion with others from across this synod on Christmas Day or any day throughout the Christmas season.
Upstate New York Synod leaders Ms. Julie Grindle, Pastor Lori Kochanski, Pastor Rick Mollenkopf-Grill, Pastor Johanna Rehbaum, Ms. Lindsey Stannard, and Mr. Nick Stroczkowski brought their best gifts and skills to the task of creating an inspiring worship service for all. Congregations and individuals from across the synod shared their musical gifts, gifts of spoken voice and creativity through art. In addition, congregations submitted photos that serve to remind us of the Christmas season and the work of neighbor justice.
Christmas Joy be with you.
Thank you to all who participated in and made contributions to the creation of this service!