Bishop Lee M. Miller II

Reverend John Stanley Macholz, Bishop, Upstate New York Synod Staff

Rev. Lee M. Miller II,
Bishop, Upstate New York Synod of the ELCA

Bishop Miller’s Biographical Information

Contact the Bishop

Phone: (315) 299-4955, ext. 106

The Bishop has oversight over the breadth of the synod’s mission and ministry and encourages the synod’s members, congregations and leaders to live out this mission in our life together.

The responsibilities of the Office of Synodical Bishop are outlined in the Synod Constitution. About one-half of the Bishop’s work is focused on care for congregations and rostered leaders within the Synod. This includes regular visitation, preaching and presiding in congregations and conferences. The Bishop offers opportunities for Biblical reflection and conversations about the church’s mission, vision and planning. The Bishop’s Office has significant responsibility in working with the assignment and call process, helping congregations to articulate their mission and to call missional leaders. The Bishop is involved in the preparation of candidates for rostered ministries and presides at ordinations. Additional time is spent in administration and management. This includes providing for smooth office functioning, planning with Synod Council, planning for and presiding over Synod Assemblies, responding to correspondence, keeping rosters, maintaining compliance with the synod’s constitution etc.. The Bishop is also involved in investigation and discipline in cases of pastoral misconduct.

The Bishop invests significant time in supporting partnerships. There are significant churchwide responsibilities including the Conference of Bishops, Churchwide Assemblies and various teams and task forces. The Bishop is the chief ecumenical officer for the synod, relates to Bishops and Executives of our full communion partners. The Bishop connects with ministry partners in Region 7 and Social Ministry Organizations. The Bishop sits on the Board of the Lutheran Social Services of Upstate New York in Jamestown. The Bishop encourages support for our relationships with our companion synods in Zimbabwe and Zambia.

He works closely with his partners in this ministry – the Office and Pastoral Staff, the Conference Deans, Synod Council and Executive Committees, the Candidacy Committee, the Systems Team and the Synod Authorized Ministry Steering Committee.

Contact the Bishop:

Phone: (315) 299-4955 ext. 106

Letters, Sermons, and Messages Shared from the Bishop:

2023 Bishop’s Call-in-to-Action - Justice Journey - Visit all nine historic sites and send a “photo-diary” of your visits to the Synod Office for a small gift and recognition at the 2024 Synod Assembly.

Sermon: Synod Assembly Eucharist - June 3, 2023

Luke 18:1-8

May 17, 2022: Pastoral Letter after the Tragedy in Buffalo

March 12, 2022 Grace-A-Thon “Preaching for Such a Time as This” Bibliography

Jonathan McClung