Generosity 365: Year Round Stewardship Resource

              Available from the Ecumenical Stewardship Center and the ELCA

After more than a year in development, the Ecumenical Stewardship Center (ESC), an organization of twenty denominations in the United States and Canada, has released Generosity 365 for 2019.  Developed by a team of practitioners and writers from several denominations, this annual collection of resources provides congregations and synods with a year-round approach, theme materials for a financial response and access to a digital library of past stewardship publications and resources.  The primary ELCA representative on this project is Rev. Erika Uthe, DEM for Southeastern Iowa Synod. 

 Generosity 365 includes:

†        A quarterly electronic magazine entitled Giving.  Articles focus on current topics for congregations including missional perspectives, education, communication, giving, new practices and reaching future generations. Each issue is about forty pages.    

†        Theme material for 2019 is entitled Devoted to Generosity.  There are more than 230 pages that focus on scripture, youth/adult studies, storytelling, preaching, generational approaches, letters, electronic giving, website/social media templates worship resources and children’s stories.  There are both spring and fall stewardship emphases. 

†        A digital stewardship library provides access to ESC resources curated over the last twenty years.  This includes theme materials, response methods and a few videos from recent ESC conferences.      

 These resources are available from the Ecumenical Stewardship Center at      

 The cost is $25 for each resource.  This includes four issues of Giving Magazine.

 A limited number of each resource above is available from the ELCA to individual congregations and synods at no cost.  Simply send a request to


As a way to track the effectiveness of these resources, we ask all those receive free materials to provide contact information so we can collect data and stories about how Generosity 365 grows joyful stewards in your setting.  Please indicate clearly which of the resources above your congregation would like to receive.  An electronic copy of the latest issue of Giving Magazine and/or Devoted to Generosity will be sent to you within a week.  For the Digital Stewardship Library, a unique code for specific use will be provided. 

 We look forward to hearing how a spirit of generosity will transform your congregation.  If you have questions, please contact Norma Malfatti, our Director for Evangelical Mission.

Upstate NY Synod