Learning Together ACROSS the Synod: Fun with Faith Formation
“It Is The Lord!”
John 21:7
Learning Together ACROSS the Synod: Fun with Faith Formation
Sunday, May 5, 2019
Where?: Wherever you are. Faith formation in place so that you can go out into your home streets and roads and water ways to share the Good News. From Albany to Buffalo. Jamestown to Oak Hill. Rochester to Syracuse to Binghamton. Canajoharie to Amsterdam to Malta. And EVERYWHERE in between. ALL on the SAME DAY. Together in different places. Practicing what it means to be synod.
What is offered?: playful, active model (available on the synod website March 15) of multi-generational learning with the Gospel of the day as the focus Biblical text. Suggested activities for the day that can take the place of the regularly scheduled Sunday School classes. In addition to learning lessons for the day there will be liturgy to use in worship, prayer suggestions and a children’s message.
Why should we participate?: Building relationships with God and one another while knowing others are doing the same thing.
How do we get ready?: Make a plan about how to use the special Faith Formation curriculum in learning and liturgy on May 5. Tell people about it.
Email Pastor Lori Kochanski (lkochanski@upstatenysynod.org) with your intent to participate. In Mid-March you will receive an email with the suggested activities and liturgy. The information will also be available on the synod website.
A resource of UNYS Strategic Plan “Faith Alive: Grounded, Growing, Giving, Graced”