The Consultation Committee is one of several committees required in all synods.  The authorization for this committee is found in †S11.02. in the Constitution of the Upstate New York Synod [adopted June 2017].  It is a group of people who assist the bishop by investigating complaints and recommending actions in an attempt to resolve issues that could lead to discipline of a rostered minister or a congregation as outlined in Chapter 20 of the Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Committee consists of 6 – 12 persons who are elected by the Synod Assembly.  One half of the persons are lay, the other one half are clergy and serve for a single 6 year term. The bishop or the Synod Council, depending on the particulars of the case, select 5 persons from the 12 to serve as a Special Consultation Committee to consider a particular dispute.