
The Stewardship of Life Institution: Headquartered at United Lutheran Seminary: Gettysburg Campus, this ELCA affiliated nonprofit is devoted to inspiring, educating and equipping Christians to see stewardship as a key element of their discipleship.  They curate resources and links for congregational and personal use.

Center for Stewardship Leaders: This is Luther Seminary’s stewardship center. Their website is full of articles, sermons, study guides and other resources to help nurture holistic stewardship and generosity in your congregation.

ELCA Stewardship Resources: Our denomination’s stewardship resources for education, inspiration and practical use.

Lutherans Restoring Creation: Here’s how they describe themselves: “LRC is a grassroots movement promoting care for creation in the ELCA.” You’ll find a lot of ideas for sermons, discussion, worship, education and more.

The Steward’s Journey: This ministry of freedom and joy features many great books and online courses.