The Committee on Discipline is one of several committees required in all synods.  The authorization for this committee is found in †S11.03. of the synod’s constitution and bylaws.  This committee consists of 12 persons – six lay persons and six ministers of Word and Sacrament, elected by the Synod Assembly for a term of 6 years.  Each member may serve only one term.  The functions of the Committee on Discipline are set forth in Chapter 20 of the Constitution, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Some committee members are called upon in cases involving the discipline of a rostered person or a congregation.  Persons who serve on this committee hope never to be called on to serve, but we want people who can listen well, think clearly, have the good of the whole church at heart and will discern fairly.  It is good practice that no one who serves on the Committee on Discipline serves at the same time on the Committee on Consultation.